Meet the Run Leads

The St Cyrus Solos are lucky to have a great group of Run Leads.  Our run leads encourage and motivate our runners by being friendly and welcoming.

They plan the routes and sessions every Tuesday and Thursday adapting where necessary for e.g. weather, group size and distance.

They check with the group for any injuries that may affect them during the run, carry a mobile phone for emergencies and note the number of runners at the start and finish of the run.

The Solos ethos is for those at the front to double back to keep the group together.

Run Leads are to report any incidents to the Welfare Coordinator to record in the Injury log.

Run Leads:

Debbie Wilkinson
Grace Gordon
Raymond Brown
Chris Horrigan
Iain Campbell
Gareth Archer
Barry Mason
Si Chalmers

St Cyrus Solos
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